The Upper Room –

Daily Devotional

(Image: Pixabay)
Today's Reading

Psalm 18:27-31

27You are the one who saves people who suffer and brings down those with proud eyes. 28You are the one who lights my lamp the LORD my God illumines my darkness. 29With you I can charge into battle; with my God I can leap over a wall. 30God! His way is perfect; the LORD’s word is tried and true. He is a shield for all who take refuge in him. 31Now really, who is divine except the LORD? And who is a rock but our God?

[Jesus] said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” - John 8:12 (NIV)

My husband, Gary, and I returned from a trip to hear strange scratching noises inside our woodstove. Gary cracked the stove door just enough to spot a big squirrel amidst the ashes. Apparently the chimney cover had come loose, and the squirrel had fallen down the flue. But how on earth could we safely get him out? Finally a pest removal person told us: “Turn off the lights and cover all the windows. Then open the front door wide. The squirrel will head for the light.” We made the room as dark as possible, opened the woodstove door, and stood back. After a moment of silence, the squirrel emerged. It paused to glance around then zipped out the front door like it was shot from a cannon, running toward the light.

Sometimes animals seem smarter than humans. How often do we stumble about, trapped in worry, doubt, addiction, or whatever weighs us down even after God has shown us the light? Perhaps we choose to stick with the familiar rather than risk change. Or maybe we don’t trust that God’s way really is best. Jesus is the light of the world. Whatever our problems, we can find help if we run to Christ’s light.

Today's Prayer

Dear God, teach us to run to your light when we don’t know which way to go. Amen.

Thought for the Day

Jesus is my light.

Prayer Focus

Gratitude for lessons that nature teaches us